"I'd like to get myself energised..feel light... I feel like visiting a spa.. why not give myself some..ayurvedic massage?"
This is one of the most common contexts where the majority of the public links ayurveda with. There are some others who believe that ayurveda is something which can treat certain problems like those related to the bones, skin, hair, etc., while some others believe that ayurveda is something ritualistic/religionistic. Let's end this chain of half baked knowledge or bizarre contemplations. What really is ayurveda?
To put it in the most appropriate way, it is the science of life..or the perfect way to live. Ayurvedic texts tell us exactly what we need to do in order to live a happy and healthy life. On the other side of it, ayurveda describes treatment aspects for those afflicted by illnesses. And contrary to the popular misconception, ayurvedic treatment is not restricted to certain types of diseases and certain methods of treatment. It is a complete independent medical science, which does everything that a person wants, when he approaches a doctor - in fact, more than what he would ask for.
This said, it is essential to mention that the ancient texts have classified the medical system into eight primary branches. As found in a principal treatise called ashtangahrdayam (अष्टाङ्गहृदयं) written by acharya vagbhata (आचार्य वाग्भट:), the verse throwing light on these branches is -
The second branch is "Balachikitsa" or pediatrics. As you can guess, it deals with child care, but also extended to the intrauterine life of the child and care of the mother. In general, it deals with the diseases of infancy, childhood and adolescence. It also deals with nursing, qualities of wet nurse, breast milk related issues, and related aspects. Thus, though this can be correlated to pediatrics, it extends a little into obstetrics.
The third branch is "Grahachikitsa", also called bhutavidya. It deals with psychiatry. Ayurvedic psychiatry uses several methods to treat the mind, which includes therapies and medications.
The fourth branch or "shaalakyatantra" is also called urdhwaangachikitsa. In samskrit language, 'urdhwa' refers to 'above' and 'anga' refers to 'parts'. Thus, urdhwanga would mean - the parts of the superior region of the body - which refers to the structures of the body above the level of the neck. Thus, it would be appropriate to say that this branch of science comprehends opthalmology and otorhinolaryngology (popularly called ENT - Ear-Nose-Throat).
The fifth anga or division is "Shalyatantra". It can be corelated to "surgery" of modern science. In samskritam, "shalya" means "foriegn body". Any foreign body that has invaded the human is dealt with under this branch. This branch handles the various surgical and orthopaedic procedures. Susrutacharya (सुश्रुताचार्य :) is considered the father of surgery. He is the pioneer of several practices in vogue today - such as the cataract surgery, plastic surgery, etc., All of this is studied under this anga. Thus a shalyatantra physician is essentially an ayurvedic surgeon.
The sixth branch is "Damshtra" which is also called "agadatantra" which deals with clinical toxicology. If you have been bitten by a snake or if you have developed rashes due to mosquitoes - there is no one better for you than an agadatantra specialist. Agadatantra is in extensive study on poisons, antitoxins, and the body's behaviour during these times.
The seventh anga is jara also called "rasaayanatantra", which is "Rejuvenative therapy" of ayurveda. It deals with the preservation of youth, prolonging lifespan, and care of the elderly. Thus, apart from being the geriatrics of ayurveda, it deals with how to delay the process of ageing - or, how to be ever young!
Lastly, the 8th anga is "Vrusha" or "vajeekarana chikitsa". It deals with everything related to reproduction - sex issues, coitus, fertility issues ..this is, ayurvedic sexology.
These are the primary branches created by the pioneers of ayurveda. This holistic system deals with all stages of life -starting from pre-birth to death, and deals with every phase of a society. The next time someone tells you that ayurveda is all about massages, you know what to do.
This is one of the most common contexts where the majority of the public links ayurveda with. There are some others who believe that ayurveda is something which can treat certain problems like those related to the bones, skin, hair, etc., while some others believe that ayurveda is something ritualistic/religionistic. Let's end this chain of half baked knowledge or bizarre contemplations. What really is ayurveda?
To put it in the most appropriate way, it is the science of life..or the perfect way to live. Ayurvedic texts tell us exactly what we need to do in order to live a happy and healthy life. On the other side of it, ayurveda describes treatment aspects for those afflicted by illnesses. And contrary to the popular misconception, ayurvedic treatment is not restricted to certain types of diseases and certain methods of treatment. It is a complete independent medical science, which does everything that a person wants, when he approaches a doctor - in fact, more than what he would ask for.
This said, it is essential to mention that the ancient texts have classified the medical system into eight primary branches. As found in a principal treatise called ashtangahrdayam (अष्टाङ्गहृदयं) written by acharya vagbhata (आचार्य वाग्भट:), the verse throwing light on these branches is -
कायबालग्रहोर्ध्वाङ्गशल्यदंष्ट्राजरावृषान् |
अष्टावाङ्गानि तस्याहुश्चिकित्सा येषु संश्रिता: ||
kaaya-baala-graha-urdhwanga-shalya-damshtra-jaraa-vrshaan. Ashtaavangaani tasyaahushchikitsa yeshu samshritaah.
The first branch is "Kayachikitsa". Kayachikitsa can be compared to what is called "General medicine" today. It deals with the entire body as a whole and a kaya chikitsa doctor would treat you for the aspects a "general practitioner" would.The second branch is "Balachikitsa" or pediatrics. As you can guess, it deals with child care, but also extended to the intrauterine life of the child and care of the mother. In general, it deals with the diseases of infancy, childhood and adolescence. It also deals with nursing, qualities of wet nurse, breast milk related issues, and related aspects. Thus, though this can be correlated to pediatrics, it extends a little into obstetrics.
The third branch is "Grahachikitsa", also called bhutavidya. It deals with psychiatry. Ayurvedic psychiatry uses several methods to treat the mind, which includes therapies and medications.
The fifth anga or division is "Shalyatantra". It can be corelated to "surgery" of modern science. In samskritam, "shalya" means "foriegn body". Any foreign body that has invaded the human is dealt with under this branch. This branch handles the various surgical and orthopaedic procedures. Susrutacharya (सुश्रुताचार्य :) is considered the father of surgery. He is the pioneer of several practices in vogue today - such as the cataract surgery, plastic surgery, etc., All of this is studied under this anga. Thus a shalyatantra physician is essentially an ayurvedic surgeon.
The sixth branch is "Damshtra" which is also called "agadatantra" which deals with clinical toxicology. If you have been bitten by a snake or if you have developed rashes due to mosquitoes - there is no one better for you than an agadatantra specialist. Agadatantra is in extensive study on poisons, antitoxins, and the body's behaviour during these times.
The seventh anga is jara also called "rasaayanatantra", which is "Rejuvenative therapy" of ayurveda. It deals with the preservation of youth, prolonging lifespan, and care of the elderly. Thus, apart from being the geriatrics of ayurveda, it deals with how to delay the process of ageing - or, how to be ever young!
Lastly, the 8th anga is "Vrusha" or "vajeekarana chikitsa". It deals with everything related to reproduction - sex issues, coitus, fertility issues ..this is, ayurvedic sexology.
These are the primary branches created by the pioneers of ayurveda. This holistic system deals with all stages of life -starting from pre-birth to death, and deals with every phase of a society. The next time someone tells you that ayurveda is all about massages, you know what to do.
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