Friday, 17 July 2015

Virudhaharam (Incompatible food)

 It is a sunny day out there, and you stop for a beautiful irresistible enticing drink. Wow, now what would stop you from having a tempting  strawberry milkshake. Say, you have had it to your heart’s content. You feel satisfied and happy that you have had a healthy blend of a nutritious strawberry with milk  which is so wholesome. But unfortunately this satisfaction may not last long. The ayurvedic shastras quote the ill effects of milk when it is blended with a fruit or a sour substance. But disappointingly, strawberry is SOUR  and a FRUIT. On either count it cannot be mixed with milk. Even if we find a strawberry which is ripe and sweet ,don’t forget, its still a fruit. Ayurveda consisders this combination as virudda ( Virudda according to Ayurveda is something which hampers  the mind, body and the soul. In fact, acharyas have mentioned that viruddahara is equal to a poison or visa.REF.Astaangahridayam.sturastanam.7/29)

Charaka Samhita. Sutrasthanam.26/103

”The consumption of viruddaahara is responsible for causation of sterility, blindness, visarpa( An obstinate skin disease characterised by an acute spread), ascites , eruptions, insanity, fistula, fainting, intoxication, tympanitis, spasmodic obstruction in throat, anemia, poisoning due to ama, kilasa a type of skin disease, obstinate skin diseases including leprosy, sprue, oedema, acid dyspepsia, fever, foetal disease and even death.” Now, think twice before you ask god ‘why me!?’.
One of the symptoms of rabis is rapid loss of weight in a person. Now, how would it look if a person feels proud of his perfect body frame  whis is result of a DISEASE???eww, crazy right!!!But friends unfortunately this seems to be the trend today. Confused??Ayurveda again surprises you here. A major treatise of Ayurveda called astaangahridayam says,

REF. Astaangahridayam Sutrasthanam 5/53

 “Taking honey which is hot, in hot season, mixed with hot dravys (substances), or by a person who is afflicted by heat(ushnatvam) is destructive due to its toxic effect”
One of the practices, wrongly considered to be safe and healthy by the public today is the drinking of hot water with honey, on an empty stomach, that too the first thing in the morning!! No doubt they help to reduce weight, but is it worth it ??!!
One of the parameters of health according to Ayurveda is Bala (strength), but in this process the very Bala is lost.!!!
The concept of virudda is not only applied to aahara(food substances) but also to the vihara(regimen).

One of the common practices, especially in a hot place like Chennai, is to have a bath with cold water or a refreshing face wash with cold water, after getting scorched in the hot sun. Yes, what you are thinking is right. Start getting prepared to stop this practice. Somewhere, at some point of time people stopped following Ayurveda and interestingly, started doing the opposite. Thanks to this, the general health of a person is depleting day by day.
Let me take an example of the eye. Has there not been an increased demand for a medical consultation of the eye? In fact, all other medical consultations are also equally in demand. But, the reason for taking the specific example of the eye is the issue that’s going to be discussed.

REF.Susruta Samhita. Uttaratram. 1/26,27

Susruta has explained the etiological factors which bring about diseases of the eye. One of the factors is exposure of the eye to cold water immediately after exposing the same to something hot. Don’t we know how often we do it? Then what surprises are there that the eye diseases are on the rise. This simple knowledge will save the eyes of many, at least for a longer period.
It is such simple thing that we stopped following because of lack of awareness. Not just the eye, health of our whole body can be protected by following simple rules. Avoiding viruddahara, or poisonous combination of foods is one such awareness that can help.

This article is just a speck of what Ayurveda can offer. Ayurveda encourages preventing a disease then curing it.

Food is for the healthy, medicine is for the sick, let’s all get this straight for a change.

Love Ayurveda. Live Ayurveda. Say goodbye to your ill health.



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